Modified Hagenstedt V Final [MP]
This is the Hagenstedt Modified to LS17
In the Map you have Animals Forest
Fermenter silo for silage
Feed mixer Added for Forage
Added a factory Saegewerk
Point sell for Wood and Wood Chips and many more have fun
Recommended mods to play This Version
Flour Transport recommended Trailer
Version Final
Seasons Ready
Version Final Platinum
Platinum Edition Ready
This is a clean version no mods
Version Final
Fixed some textures
Added Production of Sugar Candys Cookies Juice
Adeed more objects and many more
Hope you enjoy
Start a New career Vehicles are changed
Version 1.4
Fixed texture for the WoodBridge
Rebuild the Dairy now you can produce cheese and Hmilk
Added a Brauerei for production of Beer
Added a GreenHouse Place
Fabrik place Rebuild more mods added for production
Rolltor added in the Farm and many more
Hope you enjoy
Version 1.3
Fixed Straw for Cows and the Wall
Rebuild the Hagenstedt Mill now you can produce FLOUR
Added a train for wood
Added a Bakery you can sell Flour
Added a Slow Soja
Hope you enjoy
Version 1.2
New Pigs Cows Chickens Sheep are in the same Place
Fixed Grass in the start
Added more 400 trees in the map
Updated Fabrik Script
(Please Start a New Carreer)
Version 1.1
Fixed some problems
Added MultiFruits in the Map
ChoppedStraw added
Animated Splines added and many more have fun
Please start a new Career
Texture: Giants
Script: Marhu
Idea / Concept: TheSnake
Map will not open, Shut down the Game.
wasnt this just uploaded a week ago?
When i go to the port, it s warning to not enter in deep watter, but i m on solid ground.
and then, if I continue to go, my tractor stop like i m in watter.
please fix this bug, and add chopped straw to the map, it s a great map and i like how you replace the fields, roads and the farm
Having MP problems with this map. The synchronisation process does not work. Workaround: stop the initiation process by stoping the game and try it 3-4 times. Than – magically – it works.