GAZ 53 And Moduls V 1.1 [MP]

GAZ 53 And Moduls V 1.1

GAZ 53 And Moduls V 1.1

GAZ 53 And Moduls V 1.1

Truck GAZ-53

Modular Pack
1-milk water
2-3 types of bodywork 2 side of the body with a volume of 5000 and 12000 litres.
Spoiled, lighting equipment, anime collection, etc

The truck has the preferred color and the color grille.

Body have a color choice.
Body platform for transportation of bales and pallets.
The choice of color and the AUTOFIT function, fixation straps,
Tank for transportation of water and milk.
There is also a trailer for these modules.
The log is clean. Lighting. Leaves traces. Flying dust from under the wheels.
Gets dirty/clean.


Dronklim, Mont, TruckerStas, DON-1500, irakls
Converted to FS2013: Silak_68, werik
Authors in FS2015: serzh, Newalex, Alexx79, VAHA he also VAHHOB022, igor29381, envelope in FS2017 Oleg

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