Le Bout Du Monde v 2.1 [MP]

Le Bout Du Monde v 1.1

Le Bout Du Monde v 1.1

Le Bout Du Monde v 1.1

Le Bout Du Monde v 1.1

Welcome into the bout du monde.

Here you will find all the default crops plus oat, rye, and alfalfa.

I added new crops, klee, possibility of making round or square balls and wrapping them.

Harvest of klee with a combine.

The round and square balls only work with the baler of the game.

I’m working on file for krone Ultima and should comming soon

Changes V 2.1
All standard fruit plus oats, rye, alfalfa and alfalfa are installed.
The map includes 3 farms, ETA and alfalfa pellet production as concentrated feed.
All presses are now working with clover (SP & MP).
With the baler of the Kuhn DLC one can press the bales, but not wrap.
Therefore, the bale wrapper, which is linked below, must also be downloaded.
The map is compatible with the latest version of Season mod.
In winter, Christmas decorations appear.
For those who do not play with the season mod, there is the possibility to activate or deactivate these decorations.
You just have to find the switch ….

Update v1.1.0.0
New game require!

More terrain angle and dirt mod

Added new crops Klee, possibility of making round or square balls and wrapping them.

added “Season Mod” support

Change Trees

bugs correction


Model: FS15_mapping
Texture: FS15_mapping
Script: Marhu, lsmodcompany,blacksheepmodding……
Idea / Concept: FS15_mapping
Testing: FS15_mapping
Other: FS15_mapping

4.8/5 - (10 votes)


  • Bonjour je n’arrive pas a avoir du trèfles fermentées une fois emballer a la presse quand la fermentation et e 100% sa devient de l’ensilage
    Si quelqu’un sais je veut bien un coup de main

  • boa noite eu gostaria de saber como faço silagem do clover
    no fogo da fazenda le bout de monde v 2
    se poderem me ajudar obrigado

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