Factory farm V3.9 [SP]
This is a Multifruit and Factories Production 4x map..
Additional field fruits
Oat , rye,spelt,triticale,millet
Onion, Hops, Lettuce, Red Cabbage, Carrot, Hemp, Cotton, Cabbage
Plum, Pear, Orange, Apple, Cherry, Coffee Beans
The factories are not working with pallet collectors so they can’t get bugged either, you will need a specially designed trailer to pick up the end products off all pallet based factory’s. 1 trailer made by BDBSSB is built in the map, you can find it in the shop to buy. Another one called producttrailer will be included in the zip file. No other trailer will be able to pick up the products.
I added a lot of new factory’s, also built in the factory pack from BDBSSB
There is a fertilizer and seeds factory’s with an updated model, you will be able to fill your seeders directly at the factory’s as well.
Needed mods in the zip file (included)
Holmer pack for root-crops
12m header Sugar beets/Potatoes
12m header Onion/Carrot
12m header Cabbage, Red-Cabbage & Lettuce
Producttrailer to load factory products
PallettrailerBD to load factory products built in the map file can be found with the tippers
Liquidtrailerpack , 1 trailer for all kind of liquids, will load fuel from in-game gas-stations, will load own produced fuel from the Texaco Factory or from the fuel storages, 1 trailer loads only fuel to be found in the misc category
All the mods are INCLUDED in the .zip file, Once Downloaded UNZIP
Hops and Hemp has to be cut with a maize header
I hope you all enjoy the MultiFruit Factory Farm map.
1: make sure you don’t have another map in you Mod Folder
2: you do not need UPK or any other script for the map, all you need is built in the map.
This is a Multi-fruit and Factories Production 4x Map V 3.2
Additional Field Fruits…
Oat, Rye, Spelt, Tobacco, Triticale, Millet, Onion, Hops, Lettuce, Red Cabbage, Carrot, Hemp, Cotton, Cabbage
Plum, Pear, Orange, Apple, Cherry, Coffee Beans, Cocoa Beans
Animal Types…
Cows, Sheep, Pigs, Goats, Enhanced Chickens, Breeding Chickens, Breeding Rabbits
Change LOG:
Installed New Cocoa Bean Orchard
Installed New M & M Mars Candy Factory
Installed New Monster Energy Drink Factory
Installed New Bertolli Pasta Factory
Installed New Power Company Factory
Installed Waste Management Factory
Installed Garbage Pick-Up Trash Bags
Added an Additional Pallet Factory
Added an Additional Cardboard Factory
Added 2 Additional Board Factory’s
Added Chicken Meats to Logistic Center
Add Additional Forestry on the Outside of the Map
Removed HotAir Balloon Sound at Startup
Added Grass to bald areas
Added Planters Peanut Factory
Added Purina Factory
Added Enhanced Campbell Soup Factory
Changed Inputs at Texaco Factory
Added Bee Hive Factory
Upgraded The Honey Mill
Added Honey Smacks At Kelloggs
Added New Inputs at Kelloggs
Fixed Water Tube at Budweiser
Removed Silage Silo from Placeable Area
Added All New Output Products to Logistic Center
Installed Slurry Separator (Hay) at BGA
Removed Several Silos from BGA
Moved Output Triggers at Heinz
Moved Output Triggers at Ocean Spray Factory
Repaired Input Trigger at Buffalo Grill
Relocated Potato Chip Factory
Relocated Biscuit Factory
Changed Store Pic for Garbage Truck
Changed Garbage Truck Side Banner
Adding Church to SE Side of the Map
Added Forest to the Southside of Map
Version 2.0
Change LOG:
Fixed Wheat Trigger at Kellogg’s Factory
Added Wheat & Corn Pallets at Kelloggs
Repaired Audio Levels at Hops & Meat Factories
Replaced Sidewalk at Bank of America
Added ATM at Bank of America
Removed 5 Silage Silos at BGA
Added Liquid Fertilizer Silo at BGA
Added Fertilizer Silo at BGA
Added Fuel Silo at BGA
Added Digestate Silo at BGA
Added Manure Silo at BGA
Added Compost Silo at BGA
Added Liquid Fertilizer Silo at Animal Area
Added Fuel Silo at BGA at Animal Area
Added Digestate Silo at BGA at Animal Area
Repaired the Rotor at the Salt Factory
Added Silage as Input for Seed Factories
Added New Ground Label for Seed Factories
Added New Ground Label for Fertilizer Factories
Added Sell Trigger Ground Marker at Heinz
Fixed The Load Fuel Error in Game Menu at Heinz
Fixed The Load Fuel Error in Game Menu at Anheuser Bush
Switched Fertilizer Input at Texaco to Corn
Add Storage Sign at Texaco Fuel Storage
Switched Pallets to Boards at Cardboard Factory
Switched Pallet Input to Cardboard at DelMonte
Switched Pallet Input to Cardboard at Campbells
Added CardBoard Input to Marlboro Factory
Repaired Input & Output Products at Meat Factory
Revised Memorial for The USA
Switched Pallets at Cardboard Factory to Boards
Moved Board Input Closer to Building
Added Cardboard Building Signs to Cardboard Factory
Added Ground Signs to Cardboard Factory
Repaired Water Trigger at Campbells
Repaired Canola Trigger at Campbells
Changed Canola Trigger Image
Changed Texture at Cardboard Factory
Changed Texture at KingsFord Factory
Changed Coal Textures on Pallets at Kingsford Factory
Changed Fire-Starter Textures on Pallets at Kingsford Factory
Moved Weaving Mill next to Meat Factory
Moved Wool Storage Sheds Next to Meat Factory
Added Advanced Animal Goats
Added Advanced Animal Rabbits
Added Enhanced Chickens
Added Breeding Chickens Factory
Added Grazing Animals to Goat Area
Added Goat Meat to Meat Factory
Added Rabbit Meat to Meat Factory
Added Chicken Breast at Meat Factory
Added Chicken Legs at Meat Factory
Added Chicken Wings at Meat Factory
Rearranged the Meat Triggers & Signs at Meat Factory
Removed Spotlight that was Floating in Air near Sugar Factory
Added Water Trough to Chickens
Added Water Trough to Goats
Changed Production Speed at Both Board Factories
Changed Production Speed at Pallet factory
Increased Production Amounts at Meat Factory
Moved Silos in Animal area
I hope you all enjoy my Factory Farm map.
For map support and updates go to my FB Page
Or My Youtube Channel
To support my work, it would be very appreciated :):):)
Version 1.5
Fixed Wheat Trigger at Kellogg’s Factory
Added Wheat & Corn Pallets at Kelloggs
Repaired Audio Levels at Hops & Meat Factories
Replaced Sidewalk at Bank of America
Added ATM at Bank of America
Removed 5 Silage Silos at BGA
Added Liquid Fertilizer Silo at BGA
Added Fertilizer Silo at BGA
Added Fuel Silo at BGA
Added Digestate Silo at BGA
Added Manure Silo at BGA
Added Compost Silo at BGA
Added Liquid Fertilizer Silo at Animal Area
Added Fertilizer Silo at BGA at Animal Area
Added Fuel Silo at BGA at Animal Area
Added Digestate Silo at BGA at Animal Area
Added Manure Silo at BGA at Animal Area
Added Compost Silo at BGA at Animal Area
Version 1.4.6
Change LOG:
Fixed issue that was showing errors with MultiPlayer & Servers
Fixed Production Per Hour Issue with Kingsford Factory
Changed Fan Audio Levels at Meat Factory
Version 1.4.2
Change LOG:
Added Water Troughs to the Cows, Pig & Sheep area
Changed Capacity Of Liquid Trailer to 100,000
Fixed Issues with White Storage at BGA
Fixed the Water Level Indicator at Budweiser
Repaired Parked Vehicle issues
Fixed Railroad Sell Point
Version 1.4
Fixed Issues with Product Trailer
Fixed fuelSellTrigger which was causing issues in MultiPlayer
Repaired OldMill Wool Factory Input Products
Fixed Crop textures
Version 1.2
Added Tobacco Fruit Type
Added Marlboro Cigarette Factory
Added Cigar Factory
Added Numerous Parked Vehicles to the Map
Repaired 2 Cranes
Repaired errors to the BD Trailer
Repaired errors to the ProductTrailer
Removed duplicate Files from the Map Folder
Idea / Concept: Nightcop34 & Maverick74
Testing: Nightcop34
Other: Special Thank you to Maverick74 for all his Help:)
love the map but cauresplay messes up
love the map but the manure and liquid manure on the cows is missing.
map genial super ps a remetre fs19
super mapa jen kdyby me to nezamrzalo
great map, best out there.
great farm like the chicken and rabbit hasbandry, u can buy rabbits and chickend in the animal dealer but i cant find the trailer to collect them
in maverick farm equipment is a yelow trailer.1st one on the left
Please always place PDA screen for fields!!! This is one of the most important selection criteria for many! On it visible form of and the size of the fields (the most chief choice, IMHO), and also his-in productions and/or points sales.
PS However, Canadian and USA maps are very rarely with curved fields, but still. At least the same size fields to look at, for example, does not say HOW many fields on the map! There may be 10 huge or small 30-50! And then everyone chooses what is more convenient for him.
Love this map but just cannot get the fields to seed im using the seeder that came with the map and filled it from the silo at the shop but still refuses to work any help please
where do I get the bee hives for this map
salut pour les ruches du doit les fabriquer
la fabrique se trouvé près de l usine a whisky
j ai deux soucis sur la carte je n arrive pas a récupérer les œufs et le lait des chèvres es ce que quelqu’un peut m aider merci
O mapa é bom mais esses bbcas deveriam colocar o arquivo em zip . Cobra cara.