Stoll 1500mm Shovel V 2.2 [MP]
Because the standard shovel with 2300mm width was to big for me and fertilizer is very heavy with the realistic weights, I changed the width to 1500mm. I made that with blender, so the coupling is still compatible to all frontloaders with euro linkage.
Manufacturer: Stoll
Model: 1500mm Universal shovel
coupling: Front loader, Euro linkage
capacity: 1200 l
Filling goods: Like standard scoop (grain, straw, fertilizer …)
Features: Washable and color selection in all colors
Cost: 800 € purchase, 100 € paint, 4 € maintenance
Usage: Bulk material loading on small farms with smaller and lighter tractors
Maps and Mods: Old Streams Map, Inspector, Frontloader Display and Gearbox Addon.
Version 2.2
Ich hoffe Finale Version / I hope final version ?
-Texturverbesserungen gebraucht und neu / Texture improvements new and used
-collison mask der Hauptkollision gefixt -> Säcke und Bigpacks können in die Schaufel entleert werden
fixing collision mask of main collision -> Bigpacks and Sacks can be unloaded in Shovel
-Schaufel kann wie ein Anhänger unterm Getreidesilo befüllt werden – Nützlich für die Schweinefütterung
shovel can be filled like a trailer under a grain silo – usefull for pig feeding
Version 2.1
used Textur und Normalmap verbessert
used texture and normal map improved
Version 2.0
-Modell leicht überarbeitet / Model rework
-Kollision überarbeitet / collision rework
-gebrauchte Version hinzugefügt / used version added:
-Achtung, gebrauchte Version ist per Textur gelb. Keine Auswirkung der Lackierung auf die gebrauchte Version
-Warning! used version is scratched yellow. No effect of colour choose
-Normal Textur eingebaut / normal texture added
Giants / FarmerP99