Hills Map 17 V 1.1 [MP]
I take this idea from the Map “My Hills” from (Conni_01)
I Rebuild the Map and Change Fields many now are more large
Build two Forests and one for placeable
Trees and Pin are from LS17
Added a sawmill by Marhu
Added a point sell for pallets
Start vehicles has changed and many more have fun
Recommended mods:
Version 1.1
Big Hills Map v1.1
Rebuild the FreightYard and added a Static Train
Replaced the Diner for the model Ls17
Added a GasStation in the Vilage
Rebuild the Restaurant Place and the FarmShop
Added a point sell for pallets at the FreightYard
Change the StrawBarn and Rebuild the LivestockMarket Place
Added milk Mod FillTrigger and SellTrigger
Added more Trees and objects and many more have fun
Model: Giants
Texture: Giants
Script: Marhu
Idea / Concept: TheSnake
I installed this map the only bug I saw, is when I purchased semis, and trailers the trailers are sitting in the parking spaces heading into the parking slot, there is now way to hook up to them since they are sitting higher the the truck, other then that I love the map.