Rockwood V 1.2.1 [MP]

Rockwood V 1.2.1

Rockwood V 1.2.1

Rockwood V 1.2.1

Rockwood V 1.2.1

Rockwood V 1.2.1

Welcome to Rockwood for the Farming Simulator 17th

Yes I know I’ve left quite a long time for it. But now I want to put you on the 17er version of the most appreciated Forestry-only maps for the Farming Simulator available.

Anyone familiar with the map already from the 15er, will know that it has absolutely nothing to do with agriculture. Here we have only trees that will be felled.

A few adjustments I have yet made:

More than 4000 trees precipitable
Sawmill Marhus script. Produced boards pallets, which can then be sold at the carpentry shop (opposite nursery).
Additional sales trigger for logs on the east side of the lake (WaterDump trigger – just purely throw)
The nursery is just decoration, because the seedling pallets spawn dealer – a garden center no longer gibts
Street lighting on the main road
Biomass heating buy Wood Chips


Giants, Mortary, El Cid, Modswanted, Tunewar, Fendtfan1, Mellie, Eribusm Epic_pryda, nt0xic0m, Fatian, Marhu, nikson, kevink98, fasi, LS-Modcompany

3/5 - (2 votes)


  • Bonjour.
    Sur la vidéo, je remarque que le véhicule conduit se déplace avec des saccades. J’ai le même soucis.
    Je n’arrive pas à enlever ces saccades. Quelqu’un aurait-il la solution ?
    Merci d’avance.

  • best comment ever

  • Bonjour.
    avez vous vérifié que la configuration matérielle requise du jeu, vous avez assez mémoire ou, une vidéo assez grande carte ? peuvent également être des bugs dans le répertoire

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