MAZ 6303 and trailer V 1.2 [MP]

MAZ 6303 and trailer V 1.0

MAZ 6303 and trailer V 1.0

MAZ 6303 and trailer V 1.0


Power: 235-300 l / c, speed: 102-105 km / h. Body / trailer volume: 22000/18000 liters. Two engines, two-way unloading, awning, locking of the trolley of the trailer, trailing device. Mirrors, soundproofing, animation of the dashboard and mud flaps. Lighting equipment, washable.

Changes v1.2:
Fixed the warning messages on the buttons of the doors (the doors open),
Added deformation of the rubber (although not particularly noticeable, but it depends on the rubber),
stuck the mud flaps to a turning truck, as they in turn remained in place,
bought with open awning was rigged conflict, now doesn’t pass through objects
lowered the trigger download under the low harvesters.


Saprykin Maxim, Deme @ n, Tractorist56RUS

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