Price watch V 2.2 [MP]
When activated with the key combination (Left-Shift-t) to each best price and the respective sale station are indicated for all crops.
Version 2 changes:
better data structure for mainly myself (to ease things)
text size now from in-game values, should help with different resolutions
now included every shop and everything that you can possibly sell (should work with modded fruits/maps/shops no problem)
added the train silos, trains and trailers to check if we have stuff
unfortunately this means if you have potatoes/etc in pallets/heaps price won’t show up (for now)
you can change position of display with left-shift-z
also if you have sheep, wool price will be shown
proper display for the default fill types in English and German, thanks Alex30rus!
Shows best prices for everything you can sell and the selling point for that price if you have those in your silo, train silo or tippers.
Press Left-Shift-t (default) to display.
Press Left-Shift-z (default) to change the display location.
Text is green if price is still going up.
Key binds can be changed in option menu->controls, under “Price Watch:*”.
Version 2.1
Fixed prices not updating.