SawMill v Final [MP]
SawMill Placeable It produces wood pallets
mCompanyFactory Scripts
Need a large Area to have a fun
Version final
Fixed WoodChips Plane
Version 1.1.5
Added EmptyPallet
Fixed ClearAreas points
Version 1.0.6
Added production of Paper
just delete the old version and put the New
a point of sell are in the pack have fun
Version 1.0.5
Added some objects for decoration
to drop (Fuel) use the Ctrl+I have fun
Just delete the old and put this you don’t need to start a new savegame works fine
in this version Credits go to SchwobaAndy(Van Vehicle)and the others for the objects in the Mod
Giants Kevink98/LS-Modcompany,TheSnake Solanz(SawMill Creator)