Placeable sugar factory V 1.1 [MP]

Placeable sugar factory V 1.0

Placeable sugar factory V 1.0

Placeable sugar factory V 1.0

Sugar Placeable Factory

Production of WhiteSugar and YellowSugar

1-SugarCane Sugar Beet Water

Version 1.1

This Version need only SugarCane( Zuckerrohr)and Water(Wasser

Version 1.0.5

Added more objects and Decals
Fixed Building ready for Trucks delivery
Time of Production 1000 per hours



Marhu (scripts)


Gamerhzs (WareHouse)

5/5 - (2 votes)


  • is this version fixed the other version i had to harvest both sugarbeet and sugarcane for it to make sugar why cant it be just with one fruit either sugarcane or sugarbeet why has to be both

  • finally only sugarcane needed

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