Buy cereals fruits vegetables and feed V 3.0 [MP]

Buy cereals fruits vegetables and feed V 1.0

Buy cereals fruits vegetables and feed V 1.0

Buy cereals fruits vegetables and feed V 1.0

Here I would like to introduce you to my latest placeable MOD.

You get here a supermarket for many fruits cereals and feed.

It should be noted that we have to earn something, of course, and so our goods are of course much more expensive than if you produce them yourself.

Thus, this sales silo is more to quickly obtain missing goods, for example, to produce something or to provide animals, reselling is not worthwhile, because then you quickly in the minus.

Especially those who play with the season Mod appreciate our offer.

The MOD is set for multiplayer, but if it works there without restriction you have to try it yourself, I could not test.

In the single player he works perfectly.

He is also prepared for the Platinum DLC

you can buy:

Wheat barley rape corn soybean sunflower rye spelled

Onions potatoes sugar beet carrots Green salad cabbage red cabbage cane

Hops tobacco

Chaff silage

Pig feed compound feed

wood chips

To play just download the MOD here and insert the in your mods folder.

You find him under placeable objects.

Version 3.0

Auf Wunsch Fruchtanpassung (aber wie immer teurer als selbst produziert)
es wurden
1. Saatgut
2. Dünger
3. Salz
4. Mehl
ins Sortiment mit aufgenommen.
Außerdem wurde eine Beleuchtung angebracht damit unsere Kunden auch Nachts den Weg zu uns finden.

Version 2.0

Auf Wunsch Fruchtanpassung (aber wie immer teurer als selbst produziert)
es wurden
1. Gras
2. Heu
3. Stroh
ins Sortiment mit aufgenommen.


Giants, Blacky (BPG) Suzi

4.1/5 - (15 votes)

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