BIO Diesel refinery v [MP]

BIO Diesel refinery can be placed v 1.0

BIO Diesel refinery can be placed v 1.0

BIO Diesel refinery can be placed v 1.0

In order to meet the good intentions for the new year and to respond to the wishes of others, I decided to publish the refinery in a positionable place.
Diesel is expensive, so why not produce what!
This refinery is now possible.
You need only rape and as a product you get your BIO_Diesel and as a waste product compost.
In this version the barrier is always open, since the time control is not possible.


Script gefixt, Verkauf wird unter Sonstige Eiinnahmen angezeigt
clearAreas gefixt
Verkauftrigger ertwas tiefer gesetzt

Version 2.0.0

siehe Beschreibung


Sorry, falsch Datei Version 1.0.1 gegriffen

Version 1.0.1

Fehler beseitigt
Nebenprodukt in Futter geƤndert


Idea, Textures, Edit and all Changes: t2k-lsmodding(thoralf2002, PP);
tech. Objects, Containers by Manuel (LS2011 BGA Baukasten2);
fuelStation LS11:unbekannt; Silos LS11:unbekannt; Hedge LS11:unbekannt; Oeltanks:LS11unbekannt ;
GTX Mods.
Marhu and kevink98 for the Fabrik Script.

4.1/5 - (16 votes)

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