Woodshire Map v 2.2
Woodshire is a small city in the north of the USA.
– release on consoles
– prepared for seasons mod
– cow drit area fixed
– chopped straw fixed
– woodchip selling point fixed
– small details added
– soy milk production -> Selling point for milk at the bakery
– milk from the cows can be transported and sold
– redesign of the landscape in the west of the map
– new street textures
– farms completely rebuilt
– gas stations on farms
– two more workshops
– new paths between fields
– objects “under” the map removed
– start vehicles edited
– lights at the biogas plant and the railroad crossing fixed
– many new decoration objects
Required Mods:
– Chopped Straw For Harvesters (By: webalizer)
J’aime bien la map malgrés quelques imperfections.
Les silos d’ensilage à coté des vaches, elles clignotent.
En mode ouvrier, il termine pas les champs jusqu’au bout.
Si vous pouvez y remèdié,merci.
I like the map despite some imperfections.
The silage silos next to the cows, they blink.
In worker mode, he does not finish the fields until the end.
If you can fix it, thank you.