Westbridge Hills Revisited V 2.0 [MP]
This is a conversion of the map edited by Holecsko for FS17.
Read the .pdf document for details
Version 2.0
Hello all,
After several months of work and testing, I deliver (version) 2.0 version of my card.
I hope that this one will suit you and the revisit will be at the height of the expectations of some.
I would like to thank the creators of mods, but also my two testers.
Below is a brief overview of what’s new. For more information and credits, you will find a .pdf file in the map folder.
• Total revisit of the map (New game needed!)
• Addition of various outlets and factories
• Addition of trains
• Addition of fields and silos
• Fixed various bugs in version 1.3
• And more
Good game to all.
Version 1.3.2
– Clear logs and scripts error.
Enjoy this map.
Version 1.3.1
– Freeze at the beginning of the game corrected.
– Bug seed plant and fertilizer: Storage works!
– Fixed various bugs.
I hope that this will allow you to enjoy this card as much as possible.
Version 1.3
Correction bugs
– Adding roads
– Creation of a lumberjack camp
– Various modifications and additions
For more information, read the .pdf files from the file.
Good game and thank you for your support. I hope the card still satisfies you.
Version 1.2.1
Fixe Patatoes and sugarbeets issues. Now growing !
– Removal of pallets, cartons, sugar, greenhouses (kevink98 / Marhu / Balacksheep-RC-Devil mod)
(Following a rights issue, I removed this part, but I would replace it with other functional buildings in a future version!)
– Additionnal cultures types
– And More ( Read the .pdf document )
Chopped Straw mod
Additionnal cultures types
Farm place revisited.
And More
pas de beterave ni de pomme de terre
on ne peut pas semes des pomme de terre et betrave cet domage la map et super mais on ne peut i jouer si on ne peut pas semes des betrave et pomme de terre
por que no se puedecosechar las patatas ni la remolacha
I cant open a pig door !
Dedic server 922 errors no gut