Serenity Valley V [MP]
This is my first map creation of a large farm with 36 fields, Cows, Pigs, Sheep and Chickens. There are a lot of shelters scattered about for storing your machines and also a small area for forestry. I created this map for fun and just wanted to share it. I am still working on it and if you find any errors please feel free to contact me. I am new at this. I hope you enjoy it.
Fixed straw planes at cow and pig stables
Fixed Manure Heap at Pig Stable
Replaced a couple Signs at sell points
Fixed Audio at Milk Plant
Added a few more lights for Night Work
Version 5.0.3
Fixed issue with Cow display at livestock dealer and added Digestate Storage and a new Liquid Fertilizer Storage silo to farm.
Version 5.0.2
Found and fixed misconfigured Pallet Spawn triggers at Dairy Factory
Version 5.0.1
Forgot to add a file to output pallets at the Dairy
Serenity Valley V5.0
**Rockhound Modding**
Hello Farmers!
Many new thing come with V5.0!
1. Added 5 new crop types.
a. Millet
b. Triticale
c. Rye
d. Oat
e. Spelt
2. Removed the second locomotive from the trains.
3. Added Industry.
a. Pallet Factory
b. Milk Factory
c. Cardboard Factory
d. New Sawmill
e. Sugar Factory
f. Refinery
g. Dairy Production
h. Greenhouses
4. Reworked the BGA and removed the Silage Clamps and added 2 Fermenting Silos and a Digest Seperator facility.
5. Added a Mixing Station and a Pig Food mixer.
6. Added Seed Production and Liquid Fertilizer Production.
7. Added Fuel Sell trigger and milk collection and sell triggers. The game will not sell your milk at 2400 hrs so you will need to pick it up befoe it sours!
8. Added Fuel, seed, fertilizer and liguid fertilizer storage.
9. The map now has 36 Fields instead of 38, had to make some room.
10. Smoothed out a few rough spots in a couple of roads.
LS Modding
Version 4.1
Hello fellow farmers! I made a few small revisions and fixes.
1. Fixed the Gold Nuggets, you can get all of them now.
2. Fixed the Information Board at the Farm Silo to represent the proper crops and added Pig Food!
3. Changed the Grass Texture to rid the flowers.
Please note that I did not have to restart my save game for the changes to take effect.
I am leaving the name of the zip file the same so all you have to do is over wright the old one but be sure to make a back up just to be certain!
Cheers, Rockhound
Version 4.0
1. Added more selling locations to give more competition in the market.
2. Fixed all gates and doors to work with animatedObjects.xml
3. Removed the Sawmill by the main farm.
4. Customized the Trains with a Locomotive at both ends to help with easier loading and unloading at stations.
5. Customized all the Selling point names to conform to Serenity Valley and not Goldcrest Valley.
6. Cleaned the defaultVehicle.xml file so all start vehicles are now in “Like New” condition.
7. Fixed the problem where the traffic would drive through the Rail Road Crossings and not stop for the Trains. All traffic now stops at all RR Crossings when they become active.
8. Added a large display at the main farm silo to help see your inventory.
9. Fixed the PDA Map.
10. Log file is Error Free!
Version 3.0 Final
Added Gold Nuggets
Re worked all splines
Version 2.0 Trains!
With V2.0, you now have the Train System! Also fixed errors in the log and all gates should be working correctly now. Also added a few new buildings and Hub Stations for the train system. Farm Silo can store Hay, Grass, Sugar Beet, Potatoes, Silage, Straw, and Forage.
Version 1.0.2
Fixed TipColl over entire map. the two grass fields and all others work fine now. Also fixed the cow silo collision so the silage does not spill out through the wall anymore.
Version 1.0.1
Fixed Cow Silo and a few other minor issues with animal clean areas.
Tony Queen
bonjour, sur la stabulation on ne peux pas ouvrir les portes
stop talking croisant
¨Lad være med at snakke engelsk!
game keeps crashing when trying to load map
Does not work with latest patch – will not load
Version 1 works perfectly, version 2 doors and gates will not open, version 5, if I start PC and load game without doing anything else it works perfectly, but otherwise it crashes on startup. I wonder if it could be a memory problem as I only have 8 gb of memory and have found this slightly lacking in some games not fs usually. Makes no difference how few mods I use. If it is memory I will tell you know as I plan on upgrading soon.
Great Map !!! (But the 2 Cars in the Parking Lot are such a Pain)
Is there a way i can remove them ?, because when i loaded the Map in Editor they don’t show up !
PS. Why would You ruin a Perfect Farm with that ?