Rocky vally V 1.2.1 [MP]
A map built with everything so at present in the ls 17 There will be another v 2 There is a beer production a complete forestry sector A dairy and an ice factory and bakery
Version 1.2.1
lua callstack entfernt sollte jetzt wieder laufen
Version 1.2
Es Wurden noch verbesserungen an der bga gemach
felder angepasst
kleinere Fehler beseitigt
Fischzucht erweitert
Schlachterei von Kastor verbaut so wie neue Holzkohle Fabrik
Eine Texturen an den Gebäuden verbessert
hi I really like your map. But I have a bunch of lumber i sawed out. but where do i sale them to? if you get this messaged contact me on Steam it is called (Godzilla1096192) better yet try to find me on your Fs2017. it is called Andy’s Farm 1
Please contact me really don’t know where to sale my lumber point at to sale