Projekt Unna 2017 v

Projekt Unna 2017 v

Projekt Unna 2017 v

Projekt Unna 2017 v

Projekt Unna 2017 v

Projekt Unna 2017 v

German Mod Map Project Unna2017 Version
The district Unna is located in the center of North Rhine Westphalia in the administrative district Arnsberg in Germany.
Courtyard and surroundings were created from free imagination.
Extra fruits are: hops, oats, spelled, carrot, onion, red cabbage, cabbage
On this map you will find an extensive economic cycle.
In order to have to deal with individual businesses here, you would scroll this page to your basement.
An overview map as well as a manual make this easier.
These tools are also in the Extra Mod Pack.
There are 25 production sites, 60 outlets and 9 outlets that can only be reached by train on this map.
Some factories are also accessible by train, e.g. for raw materials.
The Season Mod we are not supported under the current Giants version 1.5.1 for this map, in the version 1.4.4 of the season Mod is functional on this map.
Also in the MultiPlayer area the Season Mod will cause problems.
The Mods * UniversalProcessKit * and * AnimationMapTrigger * are included with the Extra Mod Pack required for this map.
There are 34 medium and large fields on this map, of which 4 fields are your own.
The carpenter can supply two types of tree wood, the wood you have beaten, as well as the timber from the lumberjack team,
that you can load there and bring to the joinery for further processing.
Unfortunately, you can only sell your own beaten wood in the joinery and not use it for further processing.
All other information can be found in game mode on the map.
Signs in the production plants, in the station area, in the industrial and commercial areas offer a lot of information about it.
Just pay attention to the yellow signs in the individual companies, (who can read …!)
The animal pastures cow and sheep are outside the farm, the pigsty is in the yard.
Installation: The file * ProjektUnna2017 should be unpacked and read the instructions for installation!

BugFix / ChangeLog: On multiple request the fruit * sugar ear (SugarCane) * was installed
Harvesting and sowing machines for sugar ear are located in the ExtraModPack
Industry and trade were extended to the product sugar ear
A waste incinerator was installed on NewEarth grounds
In the cold store Sojamilch added to production
New products have been listed: High quality granules, sugarcane, soy milk
PDA price list and manual have been adapted to new farms and products
Some textures and shaders changed and repaired
The other farms are now selling their product


Bemak, Kruskow

2.8/5 - (11 votes)


  • Der Ordner lässt sich nicht öffnen es wird gesagt Datei hat einen Fehler oder falsches Format öffne in mit WinRar

  • Moin moin,
    Habe mir die Map auch mal runtergeladen.
    Ist es gewollt das bei den Startfahrzeugen kein Drescher dabei ist?
    Ansonsten ist das eine super Map.



  • Diese map ist einfach ein witz es gibt keine rechteckigen felder und das PDA stimmt auch nicht in der 15er wa se besser

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