I want to clarify that I made this map for personal pleasure and having used models of the Giants did not have any problem to share it with this fantastic community. So if you like, otherwise giocatela cestinatela without any sense of guilt; D
Version 2.0
Aggiustato un terreno
Aggiustata la mappa nel pda
Aggiustate le texture di alcuni modelli
Aggiustato il buco dei liquami delle mucche.
Aggiustato il buco dei liquami dei maiali
Aggiustato trigger paglia dei maiali
Aggiustati i capannoni
Aggiustate strisce segnaletiche punto vendita liquami.
Sostituita una fontana (con quella di Peppe978.)
Aggiunti degli alberi
Aggiunta erba, dove mancava
Aggiunta una Stradella
Aggiunta più terra nella zona animali
Aggiunte strisce segnaletiche per il silo della fattoria
Aggiunte strisce segnaletiche per il buco dei liquami delle mucche
Aggiunte strisce segnaletiche per il buco dei liquami dei maiali
Aggiunto nastro trasportatore al silo della fattoria (ora è tutto più agevole.)
Sistemati veicoli base e costituito un buon parco mezzo iniziale (ora all’avvio della partita non volano più nel nulla.)
Eliminati alcuni modelli
Sostituite trincee BGA con una sola
Risolto bug trincee (L’insilato non esce più)
Aggiunto traffico sulla strada
Aggiunte persone in due punti
Allargate le entrate dei campi
Aggiunte auto parcheggiate
Adjusted a ground
Adjusted map to pda
Adjust the texture of some models
Adjusted the hole in cattle slurry.
Adjusted the hole in pig slurry
Adjusted pig sting trigger
Adjusted the sheds
Adjust strips spot selling slurries.
Replaced a fountain (with Peppe978.)
Added trees
Add grass where it was missing
Added a Driveway
Added more land in the animal area
Added signage strips for farm silo
Signal strips added to the hole in the cattle slurry
Signal strips added to the hole in pig slurry
Added conveyor belt to the silo of the farm (now it’s all easier.)
Set up basic vehicles and make up a good startup park (now at the start of the game they are no longer in the air.)
Delete some models
Replace BGA trenches with one
Trench bug fixes (The silkworm is no longer leaving)
Added traffic on the road
Added people in two points
Expand the field entries
Parked car additions
Die bereinigte Land
Adjusted Karte in pda
Passen Sie die Textur von einigen Modellen
Bereinigt um die Bohrung Abwasser Kühe.
das Loch von Schweinegülle justiert
Das bereinigte Trigger Stroh Schweine
Die bereinigte Hangar
Passen Streifen speichern Abwasser Markierung.
Ersetzt einen Brunnen (mit der Peppe978.)
Hinzugefügt Baum
Hinzufügen von Gras, das fehlte
Hinzugefügt ein Stradella
Das Hinzufügen von mehr Landtiere in der Umgebung
Zugänge Streifen Zeichen für die Farm Silo
Hinzugefügt Streifen Zeichen für die Lochabwasser Kühe
Hinzugefügt Streifen Zeichen für das Loch von Schweinegülle
Zu dem Förderband des Bauernhofs Silos (jetzt ist alles einfacher.)
Festes Basisfahrzeug und machte einen guten ersten Halb Park (heute zu Beginn des Spiels nicht mehr in nichts fliegen.)
Fixed some Modelle
Ersetzen BGA Gräben mit einem einzigen
Ein Fehler wurde behoben Gräben (Silage nicht ausgehen)
Der Verkehr auf der Straße Hinzugefügt
Hinzugefügt Leute in zwei Punkten
Verbreiten Sie die Felder der Einnahmen
Hinzugefügt geparkten Auto
Finally after so much I work my map is ready.
It consists of:
Large forested areas
various fields
Zone dedicated to positionable
scombra joinery for positionable
Pets concentrated all in one place
The forest areas have a difficult terrain to be covered by normal means.
4 outlets
zero errors in the log
basic functions
Created from scratch with the original models of Gigants (99%)
It ‘an Italian map: D
minus points:
The map in the PDA is not 100% accurate
There are side missions in the fields
Aides do not work accurately on the fields.
I tested everything but not in detail (all generally works)
Missing traffic and pedestrians
vehicles must be repositioned at the beginning of the game
not tested for multiplayer but it might work
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. \ Manni95
all tractors spawn underground when you start the map