New Bartelshagen on Grabow Bodden V 1.0.4 Beta [MP]
because I have little time to test, I decided once a beta version upload
log is clean everything should work important
there hofsilo since it is common there the cereal tipping not in the hall
the automatic milk sale is in the map completely switched off so please use the mod
important mod to milk sal
Version 1.0.4 letzte beta
feld nummern hinzugefügt
kaufbare flächen für platzierbare objekte
mehr deko
dorf zäune fast fertig gestellt
Version 1.0.2 Beta
textur änderung
compost nun verkaufbar
neue objekte
Version 1.0.1 Beta triggern fix
Verkaufs Trigger (Getreide AG) Fehler behoben
skeleton/fqC30/Niggels Modding/LS-Modcompany