Modified Bjornholm V 1.0.7 [MP]
This is the Bjornholm Modified Map
Some Fields are changed and added new objects from LS17
Cow Sheep Pig Chicken and are in the same area
In the map you have all the features from the game LS17
Version 1.0.7
Added Animated Splines in the map
Added more Placeables places
Fixed pig Straw plane
Added more two selling places
For some reason i can’t explain the trigger to sell Straw don’t work sorry
Have fun
Version 1.0.6
Fixed SugarCane
Version 1.0.5
Added more Selling Points
Rebuild some areas
Platinum Ready
and many more have fun
Bjørnholmen funker ikke slik den burde annbefaler ikke laste den ned ikke mye skryt på den her