Missouri River Bottoms Final Revised v 14

Missouri River Bottoms v 10

Missouri River Bottoms v 10

Missouri River Bottoms v 10

Missouri River Bottoms v 10

Required mods:
Plywood Factory v
Sawmill v1.0.0.4
City Economy v1.0.0.4

I have added the following mods: Map Autosave_LS17, Milk Trigger placeable, zzz cropMowing, FS17 Animated Object DoorFix, FS17 start Point Save and FS17 City Economy Property placeable. You will need to download ferry.
Mod included: FS start Point Save works only for single player. The author said he has no plans for multiplayer. zzz_cropMowing, alfalfa and clover can be cut with mower.
Animated: KCI, MissouriPacific, Splines: NBSF(Green), NBSF(Orange), UnionPacific, GrainBarges, jets, helicopters, planes, snakes, sheep,
cows, horses, chickens, boats, cats, balloons, AirForce1 LogCranes,ContainerCranes, main farm House.
Mining: lime, salt. 4 Towns
In map: choppedStraw,,waterTroughAddon, GMKFC_Mod, multiAngleTerrain, Geo Midwest Season.
Crops: wheat rape barley maize sunflower soybean sorghum sudangrass sugarCane blackbean corn2 cotton oat
peanut hops alfalfa clover rye hemp tobacco rice onion carrot lettuce, cabbage.
Livestock: Angus, Beefmaster, Dairy Cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, ponies, goat, Turkeys(fabrikScript..
Factories: Weberei, Whickey, MolassesFactory, DistillersCorn, Sewage, CompostMaster, sunFlowerOil, saladmix, cheese, hmilk, butter, coffeeBean, coffee,
mavSilage, mavSoybean, mavPotato, mavwoodChips, mavMilk, boards, emptypallet, stoffrolleMK, bread, beer, fish, Caviar, icecream, fruitSalad, coleslaw,
flour, sugar, eggsBD, vegetableOil, doughnut,biscuit,meat,sausage, frenchFries, clothes, washedPotato, washedPeanut, steamedPotato, potatoChips,
cigrettes, manilaRopes, paper, allGrainFeed, biogas, disestate1 lime, dogfood, turkeyFood, salt, jambon(Ham), hempPaper, turke liver, turkeymeat.
Orchards: Cherry, apple, orange, plum, pear orange.
Multi greenhouse: tomato, lettuce, cauliflower, redCabbage, strawberry rasberry, melon, Mavlettuce, MAVredCabbage, rasberry, pumpkin.
PDA map so it now shows all field areas in blue. You now can see the exact size of field
area you are buying. I have 6 farms you can purchase at different prices. The starting point is now at the bank in town and you have nothing but a
pickup and $11 million for normal.I have put in interstate highway so some of the fields has been change. It has 2 container cranes, they are storages. I have added some traffic to map.
I have added new roads, but I have used some of the old roads too.


Farm House – LoneWolfRD
BDBSSB for the support ,the great factory idea and the nice mods
Bob Hastings for testing the map
Shywizard (youtube) for the support , tutorials and to add seasons
Nick the Hick (youtube)
A special thank you to chaseydog (pc-sg modding )
A special thank you to my tester from LBG group
Modders (sorry if i forget someone)
scripts Kevin98 and Marhu
Urmodder: BaTt3RiE
BaTt3RiE/Kobold Koby
all farm fenceing and sheds for maps is by: sandgroper
Pioneer and dekaulb pallets textures by jb3pc4sale
other seed pallets and fertilizers by SF_unpack_me by Wellano920
Danke an alle Modder white hogs
fenceing by: (C) All Rights Reserved – Sandgroper 3rd June, 2011 added barbwire, jb3pc4sale
American Hog and cattle barns by 812famer
Union Pacific 8774 by sixgun
railroad_track_set Based on model and textures 2016 GIANTS Software GmbH. Edited by estyx.
Autorzy:Model: GoldFoxTekstura: GoldFox Testy/Pomoc: Artek23
CBJ Midwest Modding american buildings 48x80SheepfBarn 48x82CalfBarn 50x80Barn 56x72Shop_17 72x150_Building_FS17.
Craig: Modeling Details, Texture, and Ingame 120x110FreeStallBarn LiveStockSaleBarn_FS17
Brent: Base Model
Justin: Building Dimensions and Concept
Karmarj: Steel Diffuse Textures
Giants: Straw
Calf: Unknown Source for new main farm
werksett Herzlichen Dank an Mike-Modding
zzz_cropMowing – alfalfa6945
FS17_startPointSave – modelleicher
and all other modders . All respect

4.5/5 - (13 votes)


  • anybody else have an issue loading the boardwood pallets? and where is the empty pallet maker?

  • Bonjour, comment et dans quels types de remorque peut-on charger la farine de blé, j’ai essayé plusieurs et rien ne se passe. Merci.

  • Look in the trailer section, there is a BD trailer. Thats what you need to load everything. Also search the author. he has quite a few mods that I find excellent.

  • Escreve um monte de porcaria , não serve pra nada. Pra que tu fez isso ? Será esquecido , não serve pra ninguém . Será lembrado eternamente.

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