Mercury Farms v
Mercury Farms with 60 fields that can be reshaped, cut down any or all hedges and barbed wire fences with a chainsaw giving you room to join reshape the fields to your own liking.
Option to build vehicle shelters using the build icons or simply build your own farm yard’s up using your preferred placeables.
Option to build up one, two or all 3 animal buildings or plow and turn the area into fields for those that don’t want to take care of animals.
The option is yours.
Season’s ready.
Changelog v1.0.0.1
– Fixed wool pallets spawn point
– Workshop trigger extended for returning leased equipment that’s too big to fit inside the vehicle shop.
hi there i love this map so much i hope you can convert it for 19 please and keep all the animal on the one farm just like this one please thanks
i am also very happy about this mercury map, but i do not like so much fences and hedges,
so i did a download of giants-editor just to remove all fences and hedges from the mercury map,
so now i like to play LS17 with mercury map with fences and hedges. good job.
LS19 i did not buy yet, maybe further on this year.