La petite Ardache V 1.5 [SP]
Welcome to “La petite Ardèche”, a small map to play solo. I leave you “pleasure” to discover the rest by yourself.
On the map there are:
– all available animals (cow, sheep, pig, hen)
– all wind points available (sale of Cereal, wood, wool, BGA (manure / slurry / fermented silage), straw.
– 9 small to medium sized fields
– 1 small farm (storage grain, spot to fill the machines in seeds or fertilizers, storage ball, shelters vehicles ..)
-a special culture spot.
New 1.5:
– Extention de la map
– Sawmill, BGA (fumier/lisier/ensilage fermenté).
– 4 nouveaux champs – Exploitation forestière
– Nouvelles textures
– Nouveaux point de vente Céréale
Eagle355th Xentro