Hills Map Train Edition v 2.0 [MP]
Big Hills Train Edition V1
Added a Train all around the map
You a Point off Sellwood
Hotel sellpoint
Grain Mill Sell point
Building for unloading point
Ps (I forget one tree in the air sorry)
Recommended mods
Version 2
Fixed SugarCane now works fine
Version 2
Platinum Edition Ready
have fun
Big Hills Map v1.2
Rebuild the Saegewerk more fences
Added a Fabrik for EmptyPallet in the Saegewerk space
Change the capacity of wagons 200000 capacity now
Added a point sell for Emptypallet at the FreightYard
EmptyPallets 1.422€
Boardwood 948€
Rebuild the Farm and added a new Trigger for Seeds and Fertilizer
RailRoad have more Trees and Pin more fun
Added Stones from Ls17 and a Castle from Ls11
Futtermischer and Silage Silo added
Change the TrainStation at the Spinnery
Rebuild the Bakery more fences
Added more Trees and objects and many more have fun
Model: Giants
Script: Marhu
Idea / Concept: TheSnake
Other: Thanks for all modders for the objects in the map