Goldcrest valley plus plus V 2.6 [MP]
This is a standard goldcrest map with added extras. All animals are where they belong as i do believe driving between them is all part of the game.
new silo up near the cows fill types= silage,hay,straw,forage(TMR),grass,chaff,barley and sunflower
new sheds and woodchip store added
woodchip docking stations added
installed woodchip sales chippers
installed heating power plant on main farm
installed a vehicle repair/customise shop on farm yard
installed 3 tomato greenhouses
installed 4 lettuce greenhouses
changed the default vehicles to better ones
the map is sure to develop over time as new mods are available to install
oh and the map has NO LOG ERRORS
Version 2.6
Updated factory scripts to 2.1.71
added map sign to woodchip shed (main yard) with legend for all factorys and there inputs/outputs
changed some pallet textures
changed the flour and bread pallet to new design
added milk and cream storage silos near dairy factory
added liquid fertilizer storage silo near the seeds/liquid fertilizer/fertilizer factorys
added a pigfood factory that makes pigfood for use or sale (sale trigger near marys farm) and visit icon on PDA (animal feeds)
removed the old and new seeds silo and added silo system (kevink) on main yard inputs seeds/seeds2/compost/woodchips and works with the seeder so you can fill straight from the silo,
Version 2.5.2
temp fix till giants update the 1.4 patch but all should be fine and working perfect
Version 2.5.1
updated to patch 1.4 SORRY did realise there was a new patch
Version 2.5
Added BIODiesel sales trigger
Added slurry storage (kevink)
Added loading ramp at BGA and now can be filled with trailer
Added sugarbeet factory inputs sugarbeet and water outputs sugar
Added brewery inputs barley sugar water outputs beer
Added flour factory inputs grains (wheat barley oat rye) outputs flour
Added bread factory inputs flour sugar water flour
Added dairy inputs milk outputs butter and cream
Added ice cream factory inputs milk cream sugar outputs ice cream
Added biscuit factory inputs oats flour sugar and butter outputs biscuits
All added factorys have sales outlets around the map and are on the PDA
Updated the PDA map
Added 2 new silos one for seeds and the other seeds2 which can fill the seeder. The old seed silo still remains but can only be used as extra storage and be emptied by trailer
Version 2.4
changed the roof texture on the sheep,cow and barn near the old cow zone
added digital displays on milk tank
added lime to cow silo and lifted the tip trigger so now all big trailers fit
added diesel storage on the main yard
added log racking near the composter
changed the compost/seeds2 silo to seeds only (now takes seeds/seeds2)
added new silo for compost near the slurry sep factory
added digital displays on the train stations so now can see when unloading with train/tractor
hopefully solved some minor server faults
Version 2.3.1
adjusted the output pipe on the seedmaster 2k17 so now is longer and higher (most seeders should now fit under the pipe)
added a second seedmaster at the pigs
added 2 liquid fertilizer tanks one at the main yard and the other up at the pigs
hopefully sorted the bunkersilo at the cows and now should work perfectly
added the egg pallet collector at the chickens so now you do not have to find the eggs as they should all spawn in the collector:)
Version 2.3 final
This is the final version as i am sick of people complaining about there save game and having to start a new one!!
corrected the computer screen on the BIO diesel refinery
pig silo definitely fixed this time and only accepts pigfood and straw
added the seedmaster 2017 of farmer_andy
Version 2.2
seasons mod of lefthandright has been removed
new digital silo signs added (blackyBPG) added to cow silo,pig/sheep silos,compost/seeds2 silo, both manure silos and the main farm silo of giants
added new path around the back of the bio diesel refinery that links to the dairy
added animal chalkboards to the cows, pigs and sheep
updated hot mods fert and seeds factory. installed the liquid fert factory also (now can be emptied with a trailer)
fixed the pig silo ( now should only accept straw/pigfood)
Version 2.1
updated the milk triggers v1.2 (now milk sells at the correct price rather than half the price,which it did with the old triggers)
updated the kotte trailers pack ( trailers now have connection pipe installed)
updated the fabric script v2.1.2
updated the log hacker,mix feeders and fermenter to the v1.2.0.1 script ( now all should have silo triggers and can be emptied by trailer)
added ford crossing, near to the corner of field 23
updated seasons manager v0.3.1
added soybean factory of SLOWTIDE63 (inputs soybean,water and fuel outputs slurry,pigfood and soya milk which can be sold via the dairy/milk trigger)
added BIO diesel refinery of AUWGL near the dairy(milksell) and modern sawmill
Version 2.0
trains and seasons are back but removal info in the file in case you want to remove this
sorted the duplicate trigger on the seeds2/compost silo on main yard so now no more double bubble 🙂
updated chopped straw to version
widened gates at the composter plant
expanded area near the cows to allow the fermenter to be moved nearer the cows
updated seasons manager to version 0.3
removed the 2 green shed as the doors where rubbish, replaced with better sheds and tip coli’s
updated the fabric script to version 2.1
added the slurry separator of MARHU’s
water is now FREE everywhere on the map
PDA still not fully updated, just needs the key/legend adding
Version 1.9.2
Version 1.9
added Seasons manager mod and the LOCO drive mod (L ctrl down button to use the the train)to the map so you need to remove these out your mod folder just to stop any possible conflicts
on with updated the pda so NO key/legend at the minute but will be sorted soon
updated the fabric script to v2.0.1.0
added MARHU fermenter silo near to cows, fill types grass/chaff
updated MARHU’s woodhacker
added AdditionalMapTypes1.0.0.4 (rye,oat,seeds2,lime and compost)
all grain sales/original farm silo and trains accept new fruits
added compost/seeds2 silo on main yard which show on pda
manure trigger at cows adjusted so now you can empty totally and bunker silo should be fixed and not split anymore
added MARHU’s modern sawmill near field 17(inputs woodchips,wool and straw are used for fuel and logs too)
added compost sales trigger
added seeds2 sales trigger
added seedsmixer to produce seeds2 near to the composter
added HOT’s seed and fertilizer factorys in the city(on the old petrol site,just behind the 2 sheds) near to field 26
all mods required for the map are in the mod folder so make sure to unzip first!!
Version 1.8
SORRY BUT IVE STOLEN THE PLACEABLE AREA TO ADD THE COMPOSTER 2017 🙂 this turns most things into compost which then can be spread on fields in a manure spreader
added pallet mover on the sawmill with sales trigger and added lights for night shifts
added pallet mover on the sheep (wool) with sales trigger
changed bunker silo at the cow zone with a better one
added bunker silo at pigs for CCM
added MARHU’s mix feeders on both the cows and pigs
added MARHU’s slow saw timber yard up on field 28
added MARHU’s log hacker that makes chips from logs near the OLD cow zone
Version 1.7
added pig barn with animation to pig zone
moved straw plane and trigger at pig zone, now located in the pig barn
added animated covers to the pig silo and sheep silo and also one to the cow silo near the old cow zone
added manure silos to both greenhouse zones
made large area for placeables near the main farm
added milk triggers so now the milk can be collected by you and sold by you but still sells at midnight if you dont sell it yourself. use the mod stopmilksale (included in file) to stop the milk being sold at midnight
added a dairy as a sale point for your milk
added a sawmill by marhu
added sales trigger for wood pallets in town at the hardware store also on pda
Version 1.6
added bale storage at cow zone and mini BGA (old cow zone)
added wash plant at cow zone and mini BGA (old cow zone)
added shovel triggers at mini BGA’s so now can be filled with tractor bucket (shovel)
added water silo at tomato greenhouse zone and removed water fountain
added animated gate at tomato greenhouse zone and moved light switch to shed at the back (see pics)
added animated gate at cows so now can enter the cows field
added machine hall with lights at animal dealers
added silo grate and animated cover to cow silo at the cow zone
added animated doors to the sheep barn and moved the light switch to the left hand side
Version 1.5
added lighting to the sheep barn
adjusted tip triggers at both cow silos so they now fill ALL trailer types
added tip coli’s to most shed but not all
added new seed/fert/water and fuel refill tanks at main farm and mini BGA zone (old cow zone)
updated the map preview picture at the start of the game
Version 1.5
removed storage bins from mini BGA plant (one near the shop) added another silo
added sheep storage silo to sheep area fill types grass and hay
resolved “tipcol” problem at mini BGA
added big new sheep barn to sheep area
Version 1.4.1
signs fixed
Version 1.3
Version 1.1
added animated lighting to all chipper zones
added animated lighting to all new sheds/cow zone
added animated lighting to the greenhouse areas
added new sheds
Really enjoyed the first version – thanks for the updates!!!
Been on the new version for about 20 minutes – already really impressed!! You’ve done a lot and it all looks great. Thank you for putting your time and effort into this one!!! I will be enjoying for hours I’m sure.
Can you please stop making such good maps? I hardly get to bed as it is, with more even better maps I’ll never get to sleep again! Joking aside, THANKS, yet another first class map for this the best edition so far of a great game!
Can you come out with pigs and sheep at the main farm area. Otherwise this is a very awesome map!!
Please make a version with all animals at the farm please.
Amazing map, well done sir. Best one I have seen yet!
Please don’t stop! I am loving the updates! please don’t make this your final update!!
Un muy buen mapa,Felicitaciones.Lo voy a jugar,gracias
super map, nur die sojamilch beim sägewerk ist ungünstig.
I have made seeds and have a trailer full of them but cant store or sell them. I have 13 15 17 this is the best map I have ever played on. The only prob. I have found is with the selling and storing seeds at the farm.. Great Job
super map
Can Anyone do anything at the factorys? i can put water in the water tank at the flour factory but no wheat or barly and where do you make the pallets at?
Good afternoon. I hate to sound stupid but what are the tip lines in the sheds do?