Goldcrest Valley Platinum Edition v
This is my version of Goldcrest Valley it’s still work in progress. I have changed the farm layout, added placeable areas, moved the sheeps, added some new object, changed some fields and more..
Version (
Changed Pro Natur AG to output compost instead of manure
Added so you can sell compost at the BGA
Added sugarcane to all of the maps original sell and storage points
Added CompostMaster 2k17
Version (
Added manure/liquid manure buy points
Fixed speed on slow car
Version (
Added seed/fertilizer buy points
Added foliage, parking and light by the Pro Nature AG
Made field 34 smaller to be able to add better access to cows via farm
Version (
Moved cows closer to farm
Moved field 22
Adden fertilizer factory
Updated scripts
Added some minor things
Added Mud mod
Adden Feed mixer for cows and pigs
Added gas station by the farm
Changed and moved farmsilo
Changed wooded area near the farm
Added new trafficspline and more variety of cars
removed mud mod caused lua compatibility issues
GIANTS Software, Gamling
And additional credits for the objects i used on this map goes to:
Fendtfan1, modelleicher, Blacksheep Modding, Desperados93, Dogface
kan geen stro en gras opslaan in silo