Giants LS09 Edited V Revised [MP]
Hello and Welcome to the LS09 Map Edited
In the map you have all the features from the game LS17
Fields are Edited small medium and large
Rebuild the Farm The Port GerdenCenter and many more
Added more than 300 trees in the map
Added Hotel and a Big Space for Placeables Objects
Traffic and PedestrianSpline in the Map
Added some Mods not to much
Version Revised
Giants LS09 Edited Map Revised
This Edition have no Mods
Cows Sheep Pigs Chicken all in the Farm
Fixed problem placeables objects
Some fields are changed
Create a big Placeable place and many more
Version Final
SugarCane Ready
Added placeable Place
Now Fish production need Corn
more objects in the farm and many more have fun
Final Version
Added Olive Tree
Added Pears Tree
Added Kirsche Tree
Added Orange Tree
Added Marmelade Production
Added Juice Production
Added Sugar Production
Added Cider Production
Added OliveOil Production
Fixed price for Fruits and many more have fun
Fixed Apple Pallet
Apologies for the inconvenience have fun
Version 1.2.5
Added Beer
Apple Production
Grape Mod
Wine Production
Meat Production
Fermenting Silo Added
Hops Garden Added
Futtermischer Added
Slow Soja Added
Whisky Production
Wood Sell Rebuild
and many more have fun
Version 1.2
FIRST you Need to Start New Career apologies for the inconvenience
but I receive many messages some people have some problems to find fish I rebuild the mod more easy now
Added more Fish now you have 10 Species in the map
Rebuild Fish mod
Change the WaterPlane
Added Milk Mod
Rebuild the Forest
Saegewerk Added
Water Low price Added
Sugar Fabrik added you can sell sugarBeets
Added production of FishFood
Create more Placeable place
Added Trigger for Boards
Rebuild the Fish Boat added more planes for fish
Fixed erros in the Log and many more have fun
Version 1.1
Fixed Barrier in the port
Added Fish Mod
Crab CodFish Sardine Fish need Corn(Maize) Shark Need Fish
Added Cargo Spline
Added Hindenbourg Spline
Added Grain Ship Sline
Added Container Ship Spline
Added Sport Boat Spline
Added Sailor Spline
Build a Boat to Catch Fish and many more have fun
Unzip Files and put in the Mods Folder
Start a new Carreer
only two erros for the Fabrik Script but you have no problem for the GamePlay
Giants :::: Cargo Spline _ Grain Boat _ Spline Sport Boat Spline
Scripts for Fish Mod :::: Marhu
Hindenburg Spline :::: PowerPeter008
House Boat :::: PowerPeter008
Old House Boat :::: JauchenPaule
What needs to be mixed in the fish food maker?
Potatos, water, and what else to fill the fish food machine?
Du Maize
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I love this map my fav part driving boats