The Farmer Live V Final [MP]
– This map Still in beta version one or two erorrs in the log but i play many hours and no problem.
– Includes all Farming Simulator 17 features.
– Sell points, BGA etc.
– Fields medium / large.
– No Forestry, for now
Version Final
Added Beer and Bread production
Added Flags in the Shop and Bga
and many more
Version 1.2
Fixed texture fence and icons
Added Kastor Food Production
Added Slow Soja
Mill produce Flour and Popcorn
Point Sell for Meat added
Added Stones and many more have fun
Version 1.1
Added Saegewerk and Forest
Added Holzhacker
Added Traffic and PedestrianSpline
Molkerei produce Cheese and Hmilk
Point Sell for Pallet added
Added more Trees and objects and many more have fun
Giants and all the modders for the objects and ideas in the map
très bien
Hallo Farmers, even voor de formaliteiten. 2 kleinigheden ontdekt kan nergens water tappen voor de dieren en als je van de ferry af wil gaat de klep niet omlaag. Het hek gaat wel omhoog.