Em Kroetzche V 0.6.3 [SP]

Em Kroetzche V 0.5

Em Kroetzche V 0.5

Em Kroetzche V 0.5

Em Kroetzche V 0.5

Em Kroetzche V 0.5

!Danger! The map is still in the alpha so really only for people who want to test the map or help me to develop it further 🙂 (almost ready for the 19er make)

This is a replica of my hometown in the Rhein-Erft Kreis a flat map with open Mapbegrenzung (Dekofelder)

It is drann daily and from time to time there are then updates (functions, fixes and extensions) Currently, only the basic structures are on the stand. Houses, yards and sale (except for water tarpaulins)

The current version is only intended to bridge the time to release a little and left me a little feedback.

I tried to connect the real environment with the LS17 so that it is at least playable and not only realistic, some things were left out and much could not be realized until now but is in progress.

Currently in progress:

add further fields (20 fields currently active and various meadows)

Add decoration objects

Get MP ready for the Dedi

Insert feed mixer (cow and pig farm)

Finish main object and build new buildings like gas station zb

Intersection (traffic light system) and traffic as well as pedestrian insert

Schrotti + Rewe etc. get ready (industrial area)

Just turn signs again (set up)

Required mods for full fleet:
Deutz 9005A V 0.9
Amazone Profihopper 2017 Edition V 1.1


Texturen und Modell: RitchiF
fasi, Eribus

Map Creator/Modder:

Ifkonator, Kevink98, BlackyBPG
RC-Devil and Marhu
Westfälischer hof tepe (kuhstall)
Modell: Gallinger
->Selbst Gemachte Texturen (Fremdentwendung nur auf Freigabe!) (Gallinger)
Idee / Konzept: Gallinger

mutterfischer futtermix
Kastor, Marhu,Kevink98,Joker301069,Farmer_Andy

Forgotten Plants Textures:
by Eribus

Autor kevink98/Nils23

Modell: SanAndreas / Giants
Textur: SanAndreas / Giants
Script: kevin98
Idee / Konzept: SanAndreas
Tester: HoT online Team

Lagerhalle gewerbe
Modell: fqC art.
Textur: fqC art., CosmicHD
Ingame: fqC art.
Lightpaket: Niggels Modding

Idee / Konzept: Redphoenix90
Tester: Redphoenix90

3.5/5 - (2 votes)

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