Colorado Map V Final [MP]
This is the Colorado Map small and medium Fields
There is a forestry plantation and animals
Small Bga Wood and WoodChips sellpoints
Textures Added
In the map you have all the features from the game LS17
Version Final
Final Version
Rebuild more roads
Added Animations Splines
Horses Dogs Cats Workers Birds Snakes
Refinery Added produce Fuel
More Objects Added
Rebuild the Grain point Sell
Added Chickens Store now buy
Pda Updated and many more
Hope you enjoy
Version 1.2
In this Version i have made somme changes
Added a Saegewerk
Production of Beer Added
Added Production of Boards
Production of CargoBox Added
Hotel Added in the Map
Rebuild more Secondary Roads
Add Signs
Rebuild the start Forest and many more have fun
Version 1.1
Rebuild somme Fields
Farm Updated
Diner Rebuild now buy Flour
Roads updated more objects
Fish Mod Added
Added Flour Mod
SawMill Updated
Bakery now buy Flour
Create a big Place for your Placeables mods
(Big Thanks to The Snake for the Help for Mods and Scripts)
concerning the Lumber mill that you have to supply fuel; where is the fuel delivery trigger and what type of vehicle can you use to deliver the fuel? I’ve tried different tankers with no luck.