Buhalovo Map v 2.5.2
There are 12 fields on the map, 2 of them in the property.
Cultures are standard.
Standard animals.
There are several productions.
Animation of the gate and light.
There are automobile traffic.
The map spelled dirt.
The chopping script of straw.
Starting technology.
Changes 2 5 2:
There was a meat-packing plant and two new points of sales.
The quarry is slightly altered, the animated excavator and sand are loaded from under the conveyor.
A new point of purchase of animals has been made.
Also replaced the default trains to domestic ones, these are those that are sent for sale.
On the map appeared night lighting (turns on automatically at 21.00 pm).
Added new sounds.
I fixed all the jambs that I found on the map.
Added a few static objects for the atmosphere.
IMPORTANT: In the folder with the map there are screenshots of what and where to carry, there will also be packs of zilov which are 100% working with the meat-packing plant. Other fashion did not try there already, look for yourself.
Since the card was tested without mods, then before writing that the game crashes and so on, when you start the card, I beg you to carefully review your mods.
If you find some shoals (may not have looked somewhere) write correct.
Map changes 2.3:
Removed triggers of seeds and fertilizers (added protivovitel on the basis and production of fertilizers), sell from greenhouses!
The sawmill has been changed (only logs are required) and the dairy plant.
Added full support for the season-mod.
Added apple trees and greenhouses.
Changes 01.06.18:
Added several objects for entourage.
Replaced the vegetation on 3D (Trees and bushes).
In the rest everything and the functional remained unchanged.
There was a meat-packing plant and two new points of sale.
A little altered carer, animations excavator and sand is loaded from under the conveyor.
A new point of purchase of animals has been made.
Also, I replaced default trains for otechestvenye, these are those that are sent for sale.
On the map appeared night lighting (turns on automatically at 21.00 pm).
Added new sounds.
I fixed all the jambs (which I found) on the map.
I added a few static objects for the atmosphere.
IMPORTANT: In the folder with the map there are screenshots of what and where to carry, there will also be packs of zilov which are 100% working with the meat-packing plant. Other fashion did not try there already, look for yourself.
Since the card was tested without mods, before you write that the game crashes and so on when you start the card, I beg you to carefully review your mods.
If you find some jambs (maybe it did not finish somewhere), I’ll fix it.
The log is clean.
Download archive archive.
Author of the map: ben686 Changes: Vitaliy Shlyakhov
Everyone enjoy the game and large yields)
The second update of the map will be associated with the replacement of all the cardboard trees under the season mods.
Hi its not bad but get rid of the painted fake trees they ruin the whole aspect of the map