Aragon Map 17 V Final [MP]
This is the Aragon Map converted from LS15 to LS17 i ??have the permission from the author
In the Map you have Animals Forest
Fields have Missions
BGA and point sell for Wood and Wood Chips
You have a big place for Placeables Mods
This is a small map for singleplayer
Have fun
PS (Some Animals Freeze time to time the reason i do not no why
Version Final Fixed
Fixed error Water Plane
Version Final
Added Sugarcane and Farm Kirsche
Please Put in yous mod folder((( CompostMaster2k17_placeable and the (((FS17_Saegewerk_placeable
have fun
Version 1.0 Final
Added Train and Sell point
Fixed NavMesh for Pig and many more
between fiels 3 and 5 there is wather not seen on the map but the car gets in to it and drowns. and then the massage dont drive in to deap
le lisier flotte dans le ciel chez les vache et la paille vole au dessus de la ferme des cochons
le lisier est au dessus du reservoir