Allcoast GC V 6.0 [MP]

Allcoast GC V 2.0.1

Allcoast GC V 2.0.1

Allcoast GC V 2.0.1

Allcoast GC V 2.0.1

Allcoast GC V 2.0.1

Included is a modified Goldcrest Valley Default Map

Included is multifruit, chopped straw, cow location change, silage fermentor, seed and fertilizer stores, seedmaster, compost master, etc etc

Increased the capacity of the BGA hopper as well as how much is processed (25 per tick to 250 per tick for players that like to play in realtime)

Version 6.0 Seasons

Enabled Seasons

Version 5.1.1

Terrain adjustments.
Some trigger boxes were misaligned
Adjusted some features

Version 5.1

*Modified some lighting to make it more realistic
moved some items around
added a manure separator
terrain edits

*please keep in mind there could be some minor adjustments that still need to be made, but it looks better so far

Version 5.0

Extra enhancements, including nightime ambient lighting

Version 4.3

Changed the food mixers
Terrain Edits

Version 4.2

Added custom default machinery specs
modified some buildings

Version 4.1

Changed some things around
Adjusted fields a little

Version 4.0a

Updated the PDA Map
Fixed the location of the Cows icon

Version 4.0

Moved Cows to main farm with a new mesh
adjust field sizes to make up for space used
changed starting fields
moved silage silo
updated grass textures

you will need a new game to get effect of all changes.

Version 3.1.1

Added grass
– I dont know what happened but it seemed that i lost all grass foilage

Version 3.0.2

Changed the ground color of the bunker silos at main farm

adjusted terrain in front of bunkers to make it easier to park equipment.

Version 3.0.1

Fixed error with new Silo

Version 3.0.1a

Updated transform group for new silo at cow pen

Version 2.02

Modified trees around Field 26 due to AI worker issues.

Version 2.0.1

Further terrain adjustments

Version 2.0

Evened out some terrain to match the roads as well as added other areas on the map for people that would like to add additional mod buildings.



4.5/5 - (2 votes)

One comment

  • The cliffs and oversized gravel areas make this map look compartmentalized and unrealistic. Then there’s those ugly mountain backgrounds that don’t belong there to begin with.

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