Kuhn FC313F FC883 V [MP]

Kuhn FC313F FC883 V 1.1

Kuhn FC313F FC883 V 1.1

Kuhn FC313F FC883 V 1.1

Today, I present you the two Mowers Kuhn FC313F and FC883 of GIANTS Software for Farming Simulator 17 available.

The following has been changed:

as clean as possible to convert into the LS 17

rebuilt on the new LS 17 light system (lights reflected on objects)

brought luster to around the level of 17 LS

some small adjustments to the animations

reduced size of the files as much as possible without sacrificing quality

On February 14, the new Kuhn DLC will be released for the Farming Simulator. In addition to a lot of interesting equipment, it will also include a rear mower. For some of you certainly one reason to make to the search for a suitable front mower. I except the one Modmeisterwerk (that unfortunately not even works) here on Modhoster not have found, I once put me ne night off and will convert it unceremoniously itself for you. Unlike the 15er version the FC313F can now work together in the transport position and the FC883 raises a whole corner of further, so that no one remains in turn depend on each hillocks so.


Store Pics erneuert, Danke an “Matt26”


– Animationen angepasst (Mähwerke heben höher aus)
– Arbeitsbereich angepasst (Heckmähwerk lässt weniger stehen)


GIANTS Software

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