Case IH Cart Air Seeder 32m V 3.0 [MP]
emeadora 32m e carro com asa Flex para plantio direto e fertilização
características do jogo:
A aplicação de adubos
Preço: 40000
Limite de velocidade: 25
NeededPower: 280
luzes de trabalho
Largura de trabalho: 32meters
Batata trigo Sugarbeet milho estupro cevada
Grama oilseedRadish de soja de girassol
Sementes: 30000 litros
Fertilizantes: 5000 litros
Lavável: não
ai: yes
flex wings and new refill
with a few minor fixes (helper, collision)
Price $ 358850
DailyUpkeep $ 180
Needed Power 500HP
Seeds capacity 10000 liters
Fertilizer capacity 10000 liters
Fill Liters Per Second 500 liters
Price $ 358850
DailyUpkeep $ 180
NeededPower 480HP
Seeds capacity 10000 liters
Fertilizer capacity 10000 liters
FillLitersPerSecond 500 liters
The startFillLevel now is at 0 zero
To fill seeds is in the same place as the fertilizer
(Cart Air) left and right
Wheat rape barley maize grass sunflower soybean
update so that it gets rid of chopped straw
the price is not 40000
this is not multi player works in single player{sp} but not multi player[Mp]
great mod but really needs more more seed options