New Holland CR10.90 Multicolor v 2.0 [MP]
The Mod came about because my son has a multicolor Drescher desired with “special” values.
During implementation the following users supported in word and deed:
New Holland CR 10.90 Multicolor
Here I have a slightly different CR 10.90 for you, since were asked not only 33 colors to choose from, but the model was also drilled massively nor various other.
And that would be:
Original: 1300 liter
Mod: 2000 liters
Original: 40km / h
Mod: 53km / h
Grain tank:
Original: 14,500 liters
Mod: 59,000 liters
Unloading speed:
Original: 350 liters
Mod: 3000 liter
Daily maintenance costs:
Original: € 1,760
Mod: € 650
Shop price as the original 430,000 €
I am aware that such a device is absolutely not realistic, but that’s my son no matter, and for him was made of.
– Komplett neu texturiert (Lampen werden nicht mehr mitgefärbt)
– Glanz reduziert
– 2 verschiedene Modelle:
– CR 10.90 mit Originalwerten (aber verbesserter Bremsanlage) Multicolor
– CR 10.98 mit gehobenen Werten (siehe Beschreibung)
– Bremsen noch mal komplett überarbeitet
– Scheibentönung von Blau auf Schwarz geändert
– Shop-Bild überarbeitet
– Multiplayer fähig
– Bremse etwas verstärkt (war für 59.000 Liter etwas schwach auf der Brust)
– Scheiben getönt
Modell: GIANTS
Textur: GIANTS/BjoernP/Hurri77/da-Hoffi/t0xic0m
Script: BjoernP
Idee / Konzept: BjoernP
Tester: BjoernP
Would be nice to have one that cane mowe graas and caff whit the corn header.
multi color heads