Canadian Production Map v 5.0
My goal was to complete this map for new year day, but my pc broke and I had to wait a month to replace it, so I can complete the map.
But it is finally done.
This is the last of canadian production map but maybe not the last map.
It will not work with version 4 maps.
Map is screwed up, can’t unload most goods at any trigger from a tipper
Hallo erst mal! sehr schöne karte aber eine kleine frage wie kann ich diverse ballen auslagern?ich laufe hin und dann kann ich auch das lagermenü öffnen und auswählen nur dann fallen die ballen raus und gehen gleich wieder zurück?????
horsi mapu sem nevidel stromy sou v lufte pily nefungujou jak maj misto desek delaji klady dopalet zbozi nelze vykladat nefunguje pomocnik pri pouziti kultivatoru no hruza proste nehratelne
Holy hell, how many custom textures are you running on this map? My game drops to 1fps with my normal mods loaded and doesn’t recover. I have to force-close the game to get it back. Even with all the mods turned off, I get a lot of frame spikes. I may only have a GTX 950, but it runs almost all maps on High @ 60fps. Map looks cool, but unless textures are fixed, I can’t play it.
Die Sägewerke laufen nicht obwohl ich alles geladen habe,oder muss man die irgendwo separat einschalten?
The sawmill doesen´t work